Monday, October 27, 2008

PEP GRPA Requirements

For the last couple of years, the DoEd has required that districts submit the total number of students who are meeting the recommended minimums for suggested minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). The recommended weekly levels are 150 minutes per week grades K-6 and 225 minutes per week grades 7-12. Along with all of the other process and product measures that a district has to track, MVPA is one of the more time consuming items to track. Simple classroom observation and guesstimates are not acceptable to the DoEd. Your students are required to track their actual number of MVPA minutes per week on four different occasions during the school year. This measure can consume you and your time unless you plan the data collection correctly.

AFS has developed a program that is designed to help students grades 4-12 to track their minutes of MVPA for four weeks during the school year. Our program is designed to provide students with the structure to track not only their MVPA minutes, but it also helps them do much more.

The program starts with the student recording their results from a fitness pre-test. We suggest you use the Presidential Fitness Test protocol. You then walk your students through a process that helps them set goals for improvement, outline weekly activities to help students make improvements, and track their progress in meeting their goals. Students track all of their data in their Fitness Journal, a book that can be provided by AFS.

Our staff can also train your teachers in the delivery of the curriculum. We can also take the time to align the curriculum to your State Standards in PE. Finally, our staff can tabulate the data provided by your teachers. We will also help you in the preparation of your reports to the DoEd.